
This is a guest post written by Brian from Maryland. He became a Scholar with Honors in the National Cyber Scholarship Competition by playing CyberStart America and picoCTF.

“Competitions like NCSC have always inspired me to evaluate the security of my own projects, as well as further explore the world of cybersecurity and computer science.”

We caught up with Brian to find out how CyberStart America helped him become a National Cyber Scholarship (NCS) Scholar with Honors, and what he plans to study at university.

How would you describe your experience of the National Cyber Scholarship Competition?

Overall, I really enjoyed participating in the competition! The SANS Tomahawque platform was simple, elegant, and easy to use -- I thoroughly enjoyed working through many of the various challenges, and picking up new cybersecurity topics and ideas along the way.

“I thoroughly enjoyed working through many of the various challenges, and picking up new cyber security topics and ideas along the way.”

How did you feel about becoming a Scholar with Honors in the Competition?

I'm absolutely thrilled to be able to represent my school and CTF team as a NCSC Scholar with Honors!

How did you prepare for the National Cyber Scholarship Competition?

CyberStart America and picoCTF both provided adequate base platforms for me to practice and prepare for NCSC -- CyberStart America was extremely beneficial in helping me get used to the overall infrastructure. PicoCTF provided everybody in our CTF team with ample preparation after a lengthy break from cybersecurity competitions.

Before participating in the National Cyber Scholarship Competition, were you considering a career in cybersecurity?

Before NCSC, I was already a bit interested in cybersecurity, and had planned to major in Computer Science with a minor in Cybersecurity.

Since participating in the National Cyber Scholarship Competition, are you now considering a career in cybersecurity?

After NCSC, I'm definitely more interested in considering a career in cybersecurity -- it's always been a cool little hobby of mine ever since I was a freshman, but over the past few years, I've started recognizing the growing importance of cybersecurity and its impact on our modern society.

Competitions like NCSC have always inspired me to evaluate the security of my own projects and further explore the world of cyber security and computer science (both out of curiosity and necessity).

“Over the past few years, I've started recognizing the growing importance of cybersecurity and its impact on our modern society.”

Do you have plans to continue your cybersecurity studies?

I'm planning on continuing to explore the world of cybersecurity at the University of Maryland -- I was recently accepted into their Advanced Cybersecurity Experience for Students (ACES) program, and I plan on furthering my interest in cybersecurity by minoring in UMD's cybersecurity program during my college studies.

Could you become a Scholar with Honors like Brian? Find out and start training today with CyberStart America!